Semi-Practical Duration Chart

The T.1 timing data can be used in combination with guide number information to calculate the maximum distance at which one can freeze motion to a given duration. The following chart is for ISO 100 at f/2.8. Multiply the distance by √2 in order to increase ISO or aperture by one stop or conversely divide to go the other direction. It assumes maximum zoom.

Again, please remember that this is based on manufacturer-published data rather than on actual measurements. There's really not going to be any useful way to calculate this without careful hands-on testing and an oscilloscope.


The ✖ indicates a very rough approximation of the range and duration of the Pentax AF540FGZ at minimum power based on the given T.5 number. (The AF360FGZ estimate is about a tenth of a meter less, and therefore basically in the same approximate range.) This is really just an educated guess, and I only include it at all because Pentax-branded equipment is obviously of particular interest.

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