Metz Mecablitz 36 AF-5 Digital
Make: Metz
Web site: Mecablitz 36 AF-5 Digital
Manual: PDF

Relative Power @ 50mm1: 1.0×
Relative Coverage2: 0.91×

Key Features: Tilt reflector with manual zoom and AF assist beam. (No swivel — the Metz web site has a poor translation.)

Reasons to Buy: Simple interface, low cost.

Notable Drawbacks: Very simple.


This model is a variant of the Tumax DSL88 series flash, although it has no rear-curtain sync and Metz says they developed the firmware. Unlike higher-end Metz models, the 36 AF-5 has almost no features, and those it does have are very basic. You want zoom? You physically move the reflector. And the flash power is almost as much as the Pentax AF360FGZ. This model replaces the 36 AF-4.

More about the Metz Mecablitz 36 AF-5 Digital can be found on these pages:


Flash Power


Including an Amazon link on this page is the easiest way to display the current prices, without having to keep track of it manually or write a more-complicated tracking script. And as a bonus, there's a picture of the flash. Obviously, the ad is also an affiliate link. As with all advertising on this site, I hope it's not too obnoxious.

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