Pentax K20D / K200D / K-7 / K-5 / K-5 II Built-In Flash
Relative Power @ 50mm1: 0.19×
Relative Coverage2: 0.18×

Current Cameras: K-5 II

Older Cameras: K-7, K20D, K200D, K-5


This is essentially the same as the earlier built-in flash, but with about 40% more power — GN 13 instead of 11. The field of view covers 18mm for APS-C, which is equivalent to 28mm in the 35mm-full-frame terms usually used in discussing flash zoom.

More about the K20D / K200D / K-7 / K-5 / K-5 II built-in flash can be found on these pages:


Flash Power


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